Saturday, November 22, 2008
Posted by Charly at 9:43 AM 2 comments

Posted by Charly at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Posted by Charly at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008

We spend part of the weekend going to Toys R Us and Target with the kids to make Christmas lists (grandparents insist on them)... it was eye-opening... here are a few things I learned:
1. My daughter wants everything she sees that is pink.
2. My youngest son also wants everything he sees that is pink.
3. My older boys have expensive taste.
4. I want Grace to want baby doll stuff... yet, she doesn't.
5. They have so much CRAP already that, on more than one occasion, I witnessed them asking for things they GOT last year.
6. I think my husband was secretly making his own Christmas list while perusing the aisles.
7. My children do not know the definition of the word 'practical.'
8. I still harbor ill will toward my parents for not getting me a Barbie Dream House.
Alright, back for more later... and go here and prepare to be amazed!
Posted by Charly at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I just don't know what to say. I am disappointed with our country.
Posted by Charly at 4:19 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Our menu this week
We eat out way too much! Starting now, I am making a weekly menu, posting it on the fridge and sticking to it! I hate that I live within 2 miles of at least 8 fast food restaurants... darn South College Station for growing so fast! Anyway, here is my menu:
Roast, new potatoes, carrots, onions, rolls
Stacey closes, so leftover roast
Vegetable beef stew (crock pot)
Omelets, french toast
Layered lasagna pie
Chicken tortilla soup, beef quesadillas
leftovers or go out to eat
I will report back to let you know how this turns out :)
Posted by Charly at 10:37 AM 0 comments