We spend part of the weekend going to Toys R Us and Target with the kids to make Christmas lists (grandparents insist on them)... it was eye-opening... here are a few things I learned:
1. My daughter wants everything she sees that is pink.
2. My youngest son also wants everything he sees that is pink.
3. My older boys have expensive taste.
4. I want Grace to want baby doll stuff... yet, she doesn't.
5. They have so much CRAP already that, on more than one occasion, I witnessed them asking for things they GOT last year.
6. I think my husband was secretly making his own Christmas list while perusing the aisles.
7. My children do not know the definition of the word 'practical.'
8. I still harbor ill will toward my parents for not getting me a Barbie Dream House.
Alright, back for more later... and go here and prepare to be amazed!
I'm so glad Gracie likes pink things!
My grandmother was an uber girlie-girl...and she had 4 sons and my mother, who was (is) a complete tomboy. :)
I have a little something for you...are you going to be around tonight? If so, I just might drop it off
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