In 2009...
I will remember: That it's good to try new things
One place I will go: London
One physical habit I will break: biting my nails
One physical habit I will cultivate: consistent exercising
One mental habit I will break: letting stress get the best of me
One mental habit I will cultivate: mental organization
One relationship I will repair: my brother
One home repair I'll finally get around to: painting the playroom
One work habit I will change: using my time more wisely
One thing I'll throw out: my old clothes left over from, ummm, high school?
One thing I'll eat more often: Vegetables
One thing I'll eat less of: chocolate
One thing I'll drink more: Water
One thing I'll drink less: wine
One overdue e-mail I'll send, or overdue phone call I'll make: Clare
One person I'll treat more respectfully: my kids
One thing I'll spend less money on: clothes
One change I'll make in my finances: put more money into savings each month
One thing I'll spend less time doing: worrying
Something I'll spend more time doing: praying
One resolution I've made before but will honor this time: lose the weight from Lucas
In 2008...
I gained: Friends
I lost: lots of time due to the Internet
I stopped: stressing about the weight
I started: paying more attention to Stacey
I was hugely satisfied with: my marriage
I was frustrated by: kids and lack of time with them
I am embarrassed that: I didn't lose weight
One again, I did: take more time for myself
Once again, I did not: develop a workout routine
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is: I cut my hair
The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is: I believe in myself more
I love spending time: listening to my kids read to me
I should have spent more time: organizing
I regret buying: so many meals at restaurants
I will never regret buying: our trip to New York
I _____ way too much: over analyze
I didn't _____ enough: exercise
My _____ drove me crazy: messy kids
The most relaxing place I went was: bed
Why did I go: to bed so late when I get up so early
The best thing I did for someone else was: give them the confidence to read
The best thing I did for myself was: let go of the control... a little
The best thing someone did for me was: love me
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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