Lucas is my beloved 2 1/2 year old son. He is the 4th and last child, therefore he is a little strange. He has an unbelieveably large vocabulary and can articulate his ideas and opinions very clearly. That being said, he, on occasion, reminds us that he is in fact just a 2 year old. He chose to do this today by waking up before anyone else, sneaking in to the junk drawer and finding a bright blue sharpie marker. He then... wait for it....
drew all over
1. himself
2. the wood floor
3. the (fake) oriental rug in the living room
4. the couch
5. the loveseat
6. the outside of my new PINK laptop
7. his father (who fell asleep watching Sports Center the night before... and I left him there)
Well, I like to be a 'glass half full' type of gal, so I decided to pass along my newfound wisdom to my readers (or reader, as I am sure my mother is the only one reading this), so here it is:
1. Contrary to most websites I found on the subject, hairspray does not remove sharpie... from ANYTHING!
2. neither does fingernail polish remover
3. B&BW exfoliating scrub can fade sharpie off of a child, but he still looks like he has an abnormal number of blue veins on his legs, arms, stomach, back and tushie
4. my junk drawer needs to be cleaned out
So, that is how I started my Sunday.
Next post:
Charly's Christmas List
1. New living room furniture and rug :(