Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lucas strikes again

Charly and I love TV. We DVR way to many shows and somehow, usually, get to them all. Usually it is by staying up late at night for me and waking up very early for her. Well, it was late and I had just finished watching today's DVR events and had to pop into the restroom. I was in the living room and everyone else was asleep, so I decided to go to Grace's bathroom since it was closest.

So... when I flushed the toilet, it gurgled and the water did not go down. This is a very familiar sound these days, as Lucas is now potty trained. Apparently, it is fun to watch a pencil, plastic knife, and now a plastic spoon go down the toilet.

The situation is now handled and sweet little Grace will have no problems in the morning.... the only question is, what little surprise will I find next?


xmusic_lovex said...

I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Sorry if this is a little creepy, I'm new to this site and was playing around with the "next blog" function when I stumbled on your blog. My baby cousin flushed my Uncle's cell phone down the toilet once because it was "fun". Good luck with all of this!