Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I got a few good ones...

Ok, so I got a new Nikon D40 for Chistmas.... I know NOTHING about photography, but I felt like a fancy camera would guilt me into taking pictures of the kids' milestones.... which I am not very good at currently. I have been taking pictures on all kinds of settings and I got 2 good ones at my mom's house yesterday... take a look!

These are raw, no editing. No, I would not enter either of these into a photo contest, but I was able to get this indoors with no flash.... Now, if only I could remember what I had it set on...

We are off to a New Year's Eve pajama party this evening... will take pics and post later ;)


Butterfly Chaser Photography said...

Way to go Charly! Those look great! :) Mostly it's about finding the right light, once you know how to do that you're set!