I voted. It felt good. Although my vote for president didn't really count... I mean, we all know Texas is a red state and no matter what my affiliation, that fact remains, however, there were other races that I hope to have had an impact on. PLEASE go vote. *start patriotic soundtrack* There is absolutely no excuse not to... and if you choose not to, don't come crying to me when the tax rate goes sky high, the war on terror is all but abandoned, abortion is not only perfectly legal at any stage, but encouraged and taught in public schools and we go to a socialized healthcare system. *steps down from soapbox*
In other news, my Aggies won.... which is a SHOCK, since A&M has been biting the big one as of late and can't seem to do anything right... let's just hope we're not seeing the last win for the season right here, right now.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Posted by Charly at 9:20 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Things that make me happy :)
Posted by Charly at 9:09 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I really, really, really need some input on a very important decision! My girlfriends and I are taking a trip, but we aren't sure where... our current idea is Nashville. We don't want to go to NYC again (I have been 4 times in the last 4 years) and we don't want to go to Vegas (have been there 3 times, as recently as August) and we can't think of anywhere else to go.... Disney is out (one of my friends is going in March) and DC is out (another one of my friends just went last summer) so we are at a bit of a loss..... I think I am the youngest going (I'm 30) and the oldest as of now is 52. Lots and lots of walking may be difficult for some, so.... keeping all that in mind, any suggestions? I think there are about 6 of us... or at least I hope there will be, once we pick where to go. We are going in June, if that helps! We are in need of choices... I can't BELIEVE that we can't think of anywhere.... also, I should throw this out there... we are budgeting about $1000 per person TOTAL (airfare/hotel/car if needed and spending $$). I would appreciate any and all suggestions! Thanks!
Posted by Charly at 8:58 PM 8 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gone Bananas!
Hi. My name is Charly and I am an ice cream-aholic. It has been 5 days since my last bite.
I have a serious problem. I am addicted to ice cream. Not just any ice cream... Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. I love it like it is one of my children. I get ridiculously excited, knowing it's in my freezer. Sometimes I hear it calling my name...
I think it's safe to say I eat 6 pints of Chunky Monkey a month.
I should mention that I use ice cream like most people use alcohol. When I have a bad day, I don't seek out a goblet, but a small silver spoon from Ikea. I don't head for the wine rack, but the freezer and when I first see my beloved carton, I get tingles up my back. I am beyond trying to hide this awful habit... I will eat it right out of the carton, right in front of my kids and I am not ashamed... and I DON'T SHARE. They know this, they don't even ask anymore. Sometimes, when the day is particularly stressful, I eat my Chunky Monkey with out the TV on. Why, you ask? Well, I don't want to miss it. What is 'it,' you ask? Well, 'it' is the the smooth creamy banana velvet melting on my tongue... 'it' is the chocolate, so pure and cold and hard in contrast... 'it' is the walnuts, crunchy and delicious and when I am lucky enough to get all three parts in one bite, it is better than anything I could ever even dream up.
Did I forget to mention that I eat the entire pint at once?
Did I also forget to mention that one pint is exactly 1160 calories?
Stacey is at the grocery store as I type this. For his own good (and personal safety), I certainly hope he remembers my ice cream.
Posted by Charly at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Posted by Charly at 9:16 PM 1 comments
Posted by Charly at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
In the last week, I have been on the teacher end of 16 conferences and on the parent end of 3. I can honestly say that this year has been very calm, as far as parents go... actually, I have never had what some teachers would label as 'bad' parents, but this year I have really, really good parents, always willing to help out in all capacities. I so appreciate parents that take an interest in their child's education. I think kids feel valued when their parent is present in some way :)
As a parent, I apparently have the most loving, attentive, hard working children on earth... I am not sure if the teachers were truly talking about MY children... kind of hard to believe, but that's what they said, so I guess it's either true or my kids are really good at playing the role of 'good kids' at school... I wish they would practice more at home ;)
Seriously though, now that it is my 2nd year teaching the same grade, I feel like I am getting somewhere... last year was my 'getting my feet wet' year and now I am getting the chance to implement everything I learned by trial and error last year... and before you get too worried, my kids from last year survived and are thriving in 2nd grade... didn't mean to make them sound like guinea pigs...
The first week of school I was doing a little crying and a little drinking... or maybe a lot of both. I was ready to quit, but now, I am loving life and my job and my 22 sweet kids. Can someone PLEASE remind me of this about September 5 of next year.... ???
Posted by Charly at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Posted by Charly at 5:54 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Undisputably, one of the best candid kid pics ever taken, which means I must tell the story of Ryan and Lucas.
Andrew is very 'type a,' and Grace is one step bossier and more outgoing than that....
But Ryan and Lucas are a very different story. When Lu was born, Andrew wanted another girl and since he didn't get his way, he pouted. Grace was too young to care and I think was just happy that her diva status wasn't interfered with. Ryan wanted a little brother... soooooo bad. When he came out, he looked just like Ryan and that was all it took.. Ryan was in love. Ryan was 4 years old when Lu was born. He followed us around the house, was constantly fussing over him, watching him sleep, giving him his blanket, offering to get me diapers.... you get the point. I sometimes found Ryan asleep with a pillow and blanket on the floor next to Lucas's crib. It was precious.
Lucas must remember this, becuase anytime he needs anything (and 2 yr olds have needs... a lot of them) he goes to Ryan. When he gets hurt, he seeks out Ryan to kiss it. When he needs help getting his undies back on, he asks Ryan. I even remember once, when Ryan got a splat on the hand for something and was sent to his room, he called for Lucas to come kiss it. Ryan never leaves Lu out of anything, even offering for Lu to be on his 'team' when the kids play football, baseball or even Clue.
These are the brothers you read about in stories.... I can't wait to see them as adults. I so want to call one of my children, only to have them tell me they will have to call me back because they are on the other line with one of their siblings. I love watching the brotherhood between Lucas and Ryan... it makes me proud as a mother.
Posted by Charly at 5:31 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
The story of Andrew and the teeth...
Posted by Charly at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Posted by Charly at 9:01 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I wonder what the seeds would look like...
Posted by Charly at 8:32 PM 0 comments