In the last week, I have been on the teacher end of 16 conferences and on the parent end of 3. I can honestly say that this year has been very calm, as far as parents go... actually, I have never had what some teachers would label as 'bad' parents, but this year I have really, really good parents, always willing to help out in all capacities. I so appreciate parents that take an interest in their child's education. I think kids feel valued when their parent is present in some way :)
As a parent, I apparently have the most loving, attentive, hard working children on earth... I am not sure if the teachers were truly talking about MY children... kind of hard to believe, but that's what they said, so I guess it's either true or my kids are really good at playing the role of 'good kids' at school... I wish they would practice more at home ;)
Seriously though, now that it is my 2nd year teaching the same grade, I feel like I am getting somewhere... last year was my 'getting my feet wet' year and now I am getting the chance to implement everything I learned by trial and error last year... and before you get too worried, my kids from last year survived and are thriving in 2nd grade... didn't mean to make them sound like guinea pigs...
The first week of school I was doing a little crying and a little drinking... or maybe a lot of both. I was ready to quit, but now, I am loving life and my job and my 22 sweet kids. Can someone PLEASE remind me of this about September 5 of next year.... ???
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
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