Hi. My name is Charly and I am an ice cream-aholic. It has been 5 days since my last bite.
I have a serious problem. I am addicted to ice cream. Not just any ice cream... Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. I love it like it is one of my children. I get ridiculously excited, knowing it's in my freezer. Sometimes I hear it calling my name...
I think it's safe to say I eat 6 pints of Chunky Monkey a month.
I should mention that I use ice cream like most people use alcohol. When I have a bad day, I don't seek out a goblet, but a small silver spoon from Ikea. I don't head for the wine rack, but the freezer and when I first see my beloved carton, I get tingles up my back. I am beyond trying to hide this awful habit... I will eat it right out of the carton, right in front of my kids and I am not ashamed... and I DON'T SHARE. They know this, they don't even ask anymore. Sometimes, when the day is particularly stressful, I eat my Chunky Monkey with out the TV on. Why, you ask? Well, I don't want to miss it. What is 'it,' you ask? Well, 'it' is the the smooth creamy banana velvet melting on my tongue... 'it' is the chocolate, so pure and cold and hard in contrast... 'it' is the walnuts, crunchy and delicious and when I am lucky enough to get all three parts in one bite, it is better than anything I could ever even dream up.
Did I forget to mention that I eat the entire pint at once?
Did I also forget to mention that one pint is exactly 1160 calories?
Stacey is at the grocery store as I type this. For his own good (and personal safety), I certainly hope he remembers my ice cream.
Rustic Tuscan Bean Soup
5 years ago
I'm with ya! Chunky Monkey and Cherry Garcia are tied as my B&J favorites. I can't even tell you how many pints I ate last pregnancy... way more than any girl ever should.
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